List of prime numbers to 400
List of prime numbers to 400

list of prime numbers to 400

Real: It stores the floating point numbers.Ĭomplex: It is used for storing complex numbers. If the sum of a numbers digits is a multiple of 3, that number can be divided. This is the complete index for the prime curiosity collection-an exciting collection of curiosities, wonders and trivia related to prime numbers and. Integer: It can hold only integer values. All other even numbers can be divided by 2. Here are the facts and trivia that people are. MOD(OptimusPrime,Divisor) = 0) EXITĭivisor = Divisor + 2 END DO IF (Divisor*Divisor > OptimusPrime) THEN ! display prime PRINT *, OptimusPrime Prefixes and Multiples Numbers and Formulas World's Largest Known Prime Number. PRINT *, " " ! set range value Range = 100 ! evaluate for prime number DO OptimusPrime = 3, Range, 2ĭivisor = 3 DO ! not prime IF (Divisor*Divisor > OptimusPrime. and a list of the first 400 primes, go to the Prime Page or the page on prime. StrLine1 = 'Prime numbers: ' ! display string PRINT *, strLine1 A prime number is a whole number with exactly two integral divisors. In the below chart, the least prime is 307 and the highest prime is 397.

list of prime numbers to 400

These 16 primes has only one and itself as its divisors. The below table shows the list of prime numbers from 301 to 400. ! declare strings CHARACTER(LEN = 15) :: strLine1 There are totally 16 prime numbers between 301 to 400. IMPLICIT NONE ! declare integers INTEGER :: Range, OptimusPrime, Divisor Stay up to date on crime, local business, sports, education, politics and more. I used the registered version of the Simply Fortran compiler, here: simplyfortran-3.0.msi, simplyfortran-2.35.msi also, try the online Fortran compiler. Read todays latest news headlines from Wichita and South Central Kansas.

List of prime numbers to 400